Mission, Vision & Values
Our Mission
Boulder Housing Coalition (BHC) is dedicated to creating permanently affordable, community enhancing, cooperative housing for the people of Colorado’s Front Range.

Our Vision
We envision a cooperative housing federation that contains a variety of co-ops including permanently affordable rental coo-ops, limited equity co-ops, equity co-ops and co-housing.
In this federation, each house will have a member on the BHC board. Co-op organizations with larger rental portfolios are able to leverage the equity of those houses to create new affordable cooperatives without public subsidy. The goal of the BHC is to reach that level of capacity in a matter of years not decades.
Our Values
Fiscal Responsibility
Community Buy-In
Ecological Sustainability
Staying Within Our Capacity
Strengthening Partnerships
Serving Our Mission
Scope of Impact
Engage Membership
Cooperation Among Co-op’s